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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tipper Blogger : Smoking Healthy Tips

Are you a smoker?
Are you a smoker ethical?

Did you know that all things in this world have their respective rules. However, we will discuss today is the ethics of smoking.

In Indonesia today, is aggressively implementing government regulations on smoking in public places. Why was there such things (the ban on smoking in public areas)?
Because, most of the smokers did not have good ethics in smoking. In this case, the actual government of Indonesia does not prohibit smoking, but only regulate where smokers may smoke.

Once again, the government of Indonesia does not prohibit its citizens to smoke. But, the government must regulate where they may smoke.
So, there will be no one who feels aggrieved party. Because the rights of each person has been properly fulfilled.

Tipper blogger will give you some tips on healthy smoking and ethics:
  • Do not smoke in the vehicle.
Why? who do not smoke will be very disturbed and worse, you are smokers inhale smoke it back again.
  • Do not smoking in the house
Do you have children? Do you have parents who are elderly? Would not you want them to stay healthy for life? think carefully before smoking in the house.
  • Do not Smoke in a locked room
If you're currently inside the closed room, without windows or ventilation, do not ever try to smoke. Why? because you will die because of poisoning of carbon dioxide was collected.
  •   Do not smoke in places of worship
Was not it is appropriate that you keep this holy place of anything, including not smoking?
  • Do not smoke in a hospital environment
I certainly do not need to explain it again is not it?
  • Do not throw cigarette butts and ashes carelessly.
Why? Environment so dirty and cigarette butts are still there the fire could burn flammable objects.

Here I only remind, ethical in smoking. I can not forbid you to not smoke, but if you want. Surely you could stopped smoking?

Authors: Hendi Hari Suryanto

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